Professional Cultivation Services for Mushroom and Beetle Enthusiasts

Frequently Asked Questions

Mushroom Related Questions:

Q:    Where should I put my mushroom logs/packs?

A:    Ideally, you should keep all grow-packs in a damp and dark location. If you do not have access to humidity control, an enclosed trash bag or plastic bag should suffice for moisture-retaining.

Q:    What do I add to yield more/ bigger/ better mushrooms?

A:    The nutrients needed are already in the logs/packs; no additional additives are necessary

Q:    At what temperature should I keep the packs?

A:    Temperature difference is crucial to mushroom growth. The natural temperature difference in most parts of the country should be sufficient. If you reside in a more extreme climate, please contact us for further consultation

Q:    Any suggestions on how I should deal with my mushrooms after I harvest them?

A:    Our mushroom species are edible and can fit into many recipes. We here at Kinshi Pros particularly enjoy pairing them with chicken soup

Beetle Related Questions:

Q:    Why does my larva remain on the top surface of the container and not crawling down?

A:    The larva species might not match the kinshi type. Please refer to our product description for the ideal species suitable for each kinshi. However, some larvas would not want to consume kinshi anyways and would require fermented sawdust in some instances.

Q:    What are the brown trails in my kinshi?

A:    They are pathways in which the larva has traveled and filled with poop.

Q:     Why does my larva stay in a fixed spot and not moving around?

A:    Different species have different eating habits. In general, larvae tend to stay and consume from a particular spot and travel periodically.

Q:    Does kinshi guarantee a better result than that of fermented sawdust?

A:    There are many contributing factors in beetle-raising, and kinshi alone isn't necessarily a guarantee for better results. However, kinshi as a substrate is a lot easier to control in terms of quality and quantity. Checking the remaining substrate edible for larvae is much easier and less technical than that of fermented sawdust. Failure to do so will lead to insufficient nutrients, diseases, parasites, and death.

Q:    I did everything I am supposed to do; why is the result still not as expected?

A:    There are many contributing factors in beetle-raising, and kinshi alone isn't necessarily a guarantee for better results. Other factors include temperature, moisture, disturbance, and many more.

Research Facility

Our research facility is continually improving our product quality and experimenting with different wood dust fermentation methods. By dealing with substrates first-hand, we can precisely control the substitution timing and subtly alter the mixture's nutrient balance. This process allows us to execute all intricacies for each species' ideal nutrient condition while eliminating errors caused by humidity, temperature, space-availability.

Current specimens in our facility include beetles within and not limited to:

Allotopus moellenkampi babai, Cyclommatus metallifer finae, Dorcus titanus palawanicus, Dorcus titanus yasuokai, Hexarthrius melcyoritis, Hexarthrius parryi parodoxus, Lamprima adolphinae, Mecynorhina torquata ugandensis, Mesotopus tarandus, Phalacrognathus muelleri, Prosopocoilus giraffa keisukei,

P.S. The facility is in a discrete Taiwanese location, where the raising and breeding of the above-described species are legally permitted. We at Kinshi Pros encourage keeping only legal and permitted beetles in your area. Please contact your local authorities for a list of the allowable kinds.

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